Ch Alubyc The Brown Dirt Cowboy
Introducing CH ALUBYC THE BROWN DIRT COWBOY "Teddii' Ch Raynox Heartbreaker (imp Deu) x Wembury World At My Feet (AI)
How blessed are we to introduce to you our new young boy! Karen (Alubyc) very graciously allowed me to have one of Maddox's babies. Maddox (to me) was such a beautiful boy and it is a gift to have one of his son's living here with us. We are showing Teddii in 2023, which we are enjoying, although he seems to prefer going to shows if I also take Kracka! Teddi has had a pretty good show first year, having won Puppy In show awards, a number of Challenge Certificates and BOBs as well as RUBOB and RDCC's all under 10 months of age. His latest wins at Open show saw Teddi take out BIG and RU In Show. This short show career to date at 12 months saw Teddi take out a 20 point Best of Breed, taking him to his Championhip Title!! We are just happy that he loves showing and seems to be enjoying himself! We look forward to the year ahead and the fun of campaigning him as he seems to really enjoy the day!
Nuala Leyton Perth, WA, Australia Email : [email protected] |