Ch Zenevieva Ice Kracker for Nugold

Australian Champion Zenevieva Ice Kracker for Nugold (imp Irl)

multi Ch Clearing Pond's Ice Man (Fl) (EST Jun Ch) x Zenevieva By Design



How fortunate are we to have our beautiful boy Kracker, thanks to Kerrie at Zenevieva Goldens!


Kracker is 3 years and 3 months in the photo above and we are so proud to say he is such a gentle boy and settled in so well - a credit to his first momma!  

His temperament is absolutely outstanding! After his travels to get here he just settled in so quickly and is just so loving and gentle...... how fortunate am I!

It was a long wait and I am so so greatful that Kerrie and family who were happy to hold onto him until we can get him home.  

We cannot thank them enough for allowing Kracker to come to Australia later this year. His quality pedigree speaks for itself and for the dedication to the breed that Zenevieva Goldens are known for.


Kracker is a Daddy both in Ireland and now in Western Australia.... such a clever boy


We are excited for the future of our small Golden family and will keep you updated.

I look forward to having the privilege of showing him here in Perth in 2022.  Kracker has only been shown limited times and at his last show he was blessed to gain his Australian Championship and was awarded Runner Up Best of Breed on this occasion, as well as Open in Group.  Prior to that his last few shows culmnated in a Best of Breed and Best In Group and prior to that Kracka was Best of Breed, 23 point Dog Challenge and Intermediate in Group.  


We have a very limited amount of frozen semen from Kracka - available to approved girls of course!  





Contact Details
Nuala Leyton
South West, WA, Australia
Email : [email protected]

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